RPIC 2024

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Puritan Board Freshman
The Reformed Presbyterian International Conference (RPIC) officially wrapped up in Indiana on July 01, 2024. It was my first time at a denominational conference (and a large one at that!). Rev. Warren Peel taught four sessions on the Book of Daniel — the theme of the conference was Glorifying God in Babylon; and this Irishman preached with force! I have learned a great deal, and also enjoyed the psalm-singing very much.

Rev. Peel’s messages have been posted here: https://rpiconference.org/rev-peels-messages/

Just being curious: Did anyone here from the PB attend?
I was there and thoroughly enjoyed the time of worship and fellowship! Not sure if I saw you or not :)
No.....but then again I've heard the forceful Irishman a time or two :-)

Some of you guys need to save up and come over to one of our conferences! 2 years time hopefully!
I was there and thoroughly enjoyed it as well. Rev. Peel delivered some of the best sermons I have heard, very convicting and inspiring. I saw many people that I knew and experienced much warm fellowship. God was glorified.
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