How many PB members have you met?

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I was gonna say that my list is the same as my hubby's... but then I remembered a few that I'd met before meeting him:

So here's the original list:

1. Christusregnat (my dearest; I met him in 2004, and since 2005, we've been seeing a lot of each other).
2. Brian Eschen
3. Hokie Airman
4. Steven Loomis
5. TimV
6. Southern Twang

And to add to that:

7. Glenn Ferrell
8. Wayne Whitmer
and maybe 9. Curt Lovelace, if he has a daughter named Jenna...
Sorry, I"m stuck in this hole called Cleveland. Since I am predominately WASP and have a love of rugby, I may want to visit Mr. Ritchie in the emerald isle to see some good old rugby and football along with some Guinness.
Our paths nearly crossed, Josh---we worked with Kevin Carroll during Katrina's aftermath driving supplies down to an ARP church on the coast.
Ian Thompson (Liverpool)
Craig Scott (Glasgow)

If I'm ever in NI, I'll try to get to Lambeg - assuming that the drum is the same spelling.
I believe I'm up to 6.

Steve (Mephibosheth)
Miller (Miller)
Scott (Theoretical)
Boliver (Chaplinintraining)
Leah (William The Baptist)
Todd (Tbordow)
These are the folks I can remember. Forgive me (and correct me!) if I've left anyone off:

  1. A Mere Housewife (visited Louisville)
  2. Austinww (visited Midlane Park/Louisville)
  3. Backwoods Presbyterian
  4. Glenn Ferrell (met while he was traveling)
  5. Gloria (visited her church)
  6. Houchens (best friend/attends Midlane Park)
  7. Idelette (when we were in NC last summer)
  8. Jbaldwin (met pre-PB at a common church)
  9. Kevin Carroll (pre-PB)
  10. Louis_jp (married to Houchens, elder at Midlane Park)
  11. MarieP (from before the PB and again at her church)
  12. MarkARP (pre-PB)
  13. Marrow Man (my beloved)
  14. Puritan Covenanter (in Louisville) and his beloved, Julie, whose screen name I can't remember!
  15. Py3ak (visited Louisville)
  16. RBCBob (at his church here in town)
  17. Reformed Christian (at his church, pre-PB)
  18. Robert Truelove (at his church, pre-PB)
  19. SolaScriptura (visited Louisville spring 2009)
  20. StaytheCourse (at his church)
  21. TheocraticMonarchist (visited Midlane Park ARP)
I got to meet Joe (jogri17) at the OPC's Presbytery of Central Pennsylvania meeting just last week and he was the first brother or sister from the PB I met.
I'm still working on the first handful or so. John Schultz kindly paid a visit to the Historical Center last October. Met Bill Brown and Rich at GA.
Talked with Randy on the phone once. Does that count?
I'm still working on the first handful or so. John Schultz kindly paid a visit to the Historical Center last October. Met Bill Brown and Rich at GA. See Greco & Keister annually at most GA's.
Talked with Randy on the phone once. Does that count?
35. Austin Williamson - (austinww) - Dallas, 2012

I was there January 7-9, 2012, good sir!

I have met in person:

Rev. Tim Phillips (Marrow Man) -- when I visited Louisville and Midlane Park ARP, January 2011
Anna Phillips (Scottish Lass) -- same visit
Louis DiBiase (louis_jp) -- same visit
Melissa DiBiase (Houchens) -- same visit
Rev. Mark Koller (markkoller) -- my pastor
Rev. Todd Ruddell (also on my church's Session)
Jym Evans (Iakobos_1071) -- has visited my church a couple times
Josh H.

And I've had a lot of edifying email exchanges and a few phone calls with Mindy (Mindaboo).
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None so far. It has never crossed my mind that I might meet some of you. I think I need to get out of the house more often...
If you're heading through South Carolina to get there, you'll be driving within 3 miles of my house. Maybe we can meet for coffee somewhere? :)

Ok, you're on. I usually visit the Atlanta area after visiting the Richmond, VA area (Mechanicsville, VA, Pastor Ron Staley's fine church)..which takes me through your region.
My brother, brother-in-law, and dad are on the PB, or were at one point. Mr. Puente from the Dallas area has been down here to visit a few times. That's all I got, that I know of anyway. :)
35. Austin Williamson - (austinww) - Dallas, 2012

I was there January 7-9, 2012, good sir!

I have met in person:

Rev. Tim Phillips (Marrow Man) -- when I visited Louisville and Midlane Park ARP, January 2011
Anna Phillips (Scottish Lass) -- same visit
Louis DiBiase (louis_jp) -- same visit
Melissa DiBiase (Houchens) -- same visit
Rev. Mark Koller (markkoller) -- my pastor
Rev. Todd Ruddell (also on my church's Session)
Jym Evans (Iakobos_1071) -- has visited my church a couple times
Josh H.

And I've had a lot of edifying email exchanges and a few phone calls with Mindy (Mindaboo).

You also met another former (i.e., "no longer a member") PBer when you came to Midlane Park in January of 2011. Or at least you were in the same room and the same time.
Only one. Ugly guy, though; see him every time I walk by a mirror ;)

Seriously, though, there are quite a few here living in Michigan. Pretty cool to see.
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