How many PB members have you met?

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None so far. It has never crossed my mind that I might meet some of you. I think I need to get out of the house more often...

That reminds me of something I heard in a sermon recently on the book of Ruth: "I guess I shouldn't be too hard on Naomi, for I shall meet her someday!"
I can add he beholds to my list. I met her a couple of years ago. So, counting Brad I am up to three. If I were to count email exchanges and phone calls it would change just a little. I've spoken on the phone with Stepping Heavenward, (Jennifer Bessette), Carol Johnson, and Austin.
I can add he beholds to my list. I met her a couple of years ago. So, counting Brad I am up to three. If I were to count email exchanges and phone calls it would change just a little. I've spoken on the phone with Stepping Heavenward, (Jennifer Bessette), Carol Johnson, and Austin.

If we are to count football wagers and the exchanging of giftcards, then I need to add dearest Mindy to my list. :D
You also met another former (i.e., "no longer a member") PBer when you came to Midlane Park in January of 2011. Or at least you were in the same room and the same time.

I think I must not have been aware of it at the time. What is this person's username?

Oh, and I forgot. I also met future PB member Grace Phillips!
If we are to count football wagers and the exchanging of giftcards, then I need to add dearest Mindy to my list.

It has been a lot of fun. I have to say you have put up with quite a few of my antics. You've been a good sport. We're doing this next year, even if my team loses both games again! I don't think we've actually exchanged them. Dallas keeps beating the Skins, so I am on the losing side. But it sure is fun to send "Happy Meals" and gift cards to you.
We enjoyed our get together a lot, Josh! Thanks for making the time to come see us on our way through!
I got to meet Margaret today! It was wonderful and such an encouragement. I think everyone should meet such a precious saint. :) I especially loved hearing her pray and address the Lord she known and walked with through many difficult trials. There is a very deep comfort to me in experienced saints and the way they speak to God -- and the way they love those of us who are still clumsily learning how to walk and talk.
wow! i had forgotten about this thread. It was neat to go back through it all and see members who i don't see commenting anymore. I wonder how they are....
1. Michael Turner (my estranged husband)
2. Robert Truelove (former pastor)
3. Brian Dempsey (former associate pastor)
4. Bryan Jones (former fellow church member)
5. Lawrence Underwood and his family while we were on vacation in Alabama.

I guess that's it for me. Short list.
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I got to meet Margaret today! It was wonderful and such an encouragement. I think everyone should meet such a precious saint. :) I especially loved hearing her pray and address the Lord she known and walked with through many difficult trials. There is a very deep comfort to me in experienced saints and the way they speak to God -- and the way they love those of us who are still clumsily learning how to walk and talk.

And Heidi, it was a sheer, gracious and precious providence of the Lord for me that I got to meet you! To hear you pray, especially for those here, was a special gift from Him! Your faith, your total reliance on our precious Lord Jesus Christ for strength and uplifting, and care, in your own infirmities and trials, was breathtakingly beautiful to see! How I hope - even though there's a bit of a "drive time factor" between us - to see you again soon.
And I!

As well as Jeff Bartel, Nathan Winkley, Yvonne Grace, and Sharon Dawkins for the first time. What a pleasure it was.
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I have met:
Kimberley W (jesusslave), she right beside me:D
Ms Nancy (christiana)
Holly G (HollyG:)), my sister and jesusslave is texting her right now

and Rich, if you pass through the Houston area, I would enjoy taking you to lunch.
Zero. I almost met Nathan Eshelman and I am sure I will in the future.

Well since then June 11th when I posted the above..

Marrow Man and Scottish Lass at a nice Cafe in Louisville, KY.

Nathan Eshelman and Adam King at the 2008 RPCNA Synod.

Theogenes when I went and candidated at his church in December.

Sure I will meet more in the future.

Since I posted this I met Ken Pierce, Andrew Barnes, Fred Greco, and maybe others at Twin Lakes.

I know I have met others at Synod (both RP and ARP).
I have met:

Marrow Man
Charlie J
Josh Cochran (don't know his handle here)
Calvinist Cowboy
The late Jaybird
Someone (maybe two) I am forgetting-- at the GPTS Spring Theology Conference

I will be meeting Ben Glaser at Synod.

Jessi (hebeholds) -- ditched us by taking a different vacation route with her family. Though, I can't blame her, Chimney Rock is a fun area. :)
I've met:

Joe (jogri17)
Robert (RobertPGH1981)
Raymond (Afterthought)
Alan Strange (Alan D. Strange)

Hopefully I will get to meet more of you!
I think this is the up to date list. If I missed anyone please tell me.

Diane (LadyCalvinist)
Bryan Wiley (staythecourse
Richard Barcellos
Ben Duncan
Ruben and Heidi Zartman
Paul Kort
Kevin Easterday
Craig Frence
Nathan Eshelman
Rich L. (his family got to stay with me for a few days as he passed through town)
Adam King
Steve Bradley
Nick Napier
Dennis McFadden
Tim and Anna Phillips (Grace the honorary PB covenant child)
Sharon (Texan Rose)
Julie (Prudence)
Barry York
Louis and Melissa DiBiase
Marie P
Tim Lindsay
Jeff Bartel
Nathan Winkley
Yvonne Grace
David Reese
Jason Goodwin
Sean McDonald
Mark Van Der Molen
Alan Strange
Danny Hyde (no longer a contributor)
Kyle Borg
Michael Cope
Mark Koller
Dr. Alan Strange
Bret McAtee
Craig Scott

Memorable people I have met or spoken to due to the PB.
Dr. Cornel P. Venema
Dr. Joseph Pipa
Dr. Nelson Kloosterman (by phone and communicate with him periodically)
Dr. Frank Smith
Dr. Cornel P. Venema
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I guess I can update my list too. I had the privilege of meeting Austin Williamson in March. I've met up with Jessi, (he beholds) twice now.

I've spoken on the phone with Heidi once, Bobbi Clark a couple of times, and I pick on Andrew Silva over Facebook.
41 in total. Mr. Andrew Silva last night.

It was indeed a pleasure. And for those who haven't had the privilege of meeting Mr. H, he isn't nearly as pale as his current profile pic would indicate.
My updated list:

Steve (Mephibosheth) - went to school w/him in Florida, pre PB days
Miller (Miller) - initially met him the day he came under care of our Presbytery a few years ago. Visited with him several times at Faith OPC in Dallas.
Scott (Theoretical) - Faith OPC
Boliver (Chaplinintraining) - met in Houston
Leah (William The Baptist) - also in Houston
Todd (Tbordow) - at Presbytery a few times
Lee (LeeD) - visited Providence Chapel in Denton a few times
Rom (Kodos) - visited the Dallas RPCNA plant last Lord's Day
Mark (MarkKoller) - also at the Dallas RPCNA
Josh (Joshua) - was honored to enjoy a cold beer and some tasty food with him last night

Friends w/many, many others via email, text, Facebook, etc
41 in total. Mr. Andrew Silva last night.

It was indeed a pleasure. And for those who haven't had the privilege of meeting Mr. H, he isn't nearly as pale as his current profile pic would indicate.

Those of us who have met Josh generally endeavor to forget what he looks like, given his bathing habits.

I can add Brad and Mindy to my list as of March.
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